Daily Italian crosswords


You will find 15 new crosswords on this page every day (from midnight GMT). Click on one of the crosswords below to start solving it.
Level crosswords
A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 - C2
Theme crosswords
Date and time (A1 - A2) Professions (A1 - A2) Health (B1) At home (B2) Describing things (C1 - C2)
Conjugation crosswords
Presente (A1) Presente Imperativo (A2) Presente Imperfetto Presente congiuntivo (B1) Presente Imperfetto Presente congiuntivo Imperativo negativo (B2) Imperfetto Passato remoto Presente congiuntivo Imperativo Presente progressivo (C1 - C2)
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